There has been a rapid increase in job-hopping, over the past years. Job-hoppers are individuals who repeatedly move between companies every one to two years. The reason for the move is not the result of layoffs, companies closing down, the end of contracts or difficult work situations.

Millennials have expectations to constantly learn, develop, and advance in their careers.

Frequent job changing is even seen as a necessary step to earn a higher salary, meet new people, gain knowledge in different industries and cultures, keep skills fresh and remain competitive.

Executive Interview Questions

Powerful well-thought-out questions will help you differentiate yourself from the competition and present you with a chance to showcase skills, experience and suitability”

Job Search Despair

Whether you recently lost your job or are ready to move into a new role, we strongly recommend that applicants follow an organised and planned approach to job seeking

Lost Your Passion?

Changing career paths is not always and option, but you can find happiness and purpose in your current situation

Interview Preparation

Preparing for an interview can be critical in securing your desired job. It is essential to take the time to research the company, review the job description, and prepare answers to common interview questions. Dressing appropriately and exhibiting good body language, such as maintaining eye contact and giving a firm handshake, can positively impact your interview.

If you are frequently moving jobs you should consider the following:

  1. Shallow experience may be the result of working in different industries for short periods of time. It usually takes time to gain an in-depth understanding of a specific area.
  2. Job-hopping may be seen as a lack of loyalty, professionalism or being unqualified for the job. Prospective employers invest a lot of time, money and energy in developing the skills of new employees in the hope that they will grow and remain in the environment for a reasonable period of time (at least 3 years).
  3. It may signal a tendency of getting bored easily. Once you have adapted to the new company and fallen into another monotonous routine, you will be gone again.
  4. Chronic job-hoppers are often expensive. They constantly demand higher salaries and end up in situations where earnings exceed experience. They have out-priced themselves and prospective employers will rather explore affordable alternatives.
  5. Job-hoppers may be more vulnerable when layoffs occur.

We recommend a well-thought-out approach to career development and moving jobs, to ensure sustainable career success and continuous growth. This is especially important in a time of a global economic pressure, layoffs and recruitment freezes.